Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Welcome to ~Branded Heart~!

Hello! My name is Tami Collins. I have been a wife for nearly 25 years, mother to one step-daughter and a son and daughter of my own, new grandmother, amateur photographer, rookie gardener, owner of a small flock of chickens, and brand new blogger.

With the kids grown (but not completely gone), I find myself floundering around looking for a new purpose. I have thrown myself into being a mom and taking care of others my whole life. Living paycheck to paycheck and only one or two vacations in 25 years, I don’t even afford myself a hobby. I tell my husband that he got off easy with a wife that can fit all of her shoes on one small shoe rack and only has a few feet of closet space. (I, too, got off easy with a husband that does not watch sports of any kind. Okay, maybe a fishing show every once in a while.)  I have finally accepted that I am worth at least one haircut a year, and that jewelry is better left to those who have a clue about fashion. It’s all about comfort and practicality for me.

As I enter the next chapter of my existence on Earth, I sense a need for a deeper, more meaningful faith-walk and relationship with my King. My days used to be filled with transporting kids places, grocery and other shopping, last minute baking marathons, making sure the animals were cared for and safe, paying the bills, running errands for my husband…all while holding down a full-time job as a production manager/graphic designer for a monthly magazine. I could go on and on, but we all know what a full plate looks like… Point being, I sometimes feel like that dirty, limp rag in the hamper. I need more of You, Lord!

My heart says of you, "Seek his face!" Your face, LORD, I will seek.
— Psalm 27:8

I took my queue from a dear sweet friend who has found her niche in blogging and writing and encouraging as she dispenses what the Lord gives her each day. I thought, “I’m not the most eloquent of writers, and I have certainly been known to ramble on and on, but, why not? It’s okay to be unique. God can use that. If Jesus can spit in the dirt and heal a blind man’s sight, he can use my willingness to do something unusual and head-scratching, too.”

I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
— John 14:12

My hope with this blog is that I can give utterance to the gems of hope, faith, love, and power revealed to us, through good times and bad, when we lean on the Lord and not our own understanding. Please bear with me as I attempt to follow the leading of the Spirit and step into a fresh purpose.

Note: the older posts on ~Branded Heart~ are an ongoing “series” of posts allowing me an outlet as I walk through this difficult time of my mom’s cancer diagnosis and treatment. - tlc

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